Jennifer Perry, LLB (Hons)
I have specialised in Family Law for many years covering all aspects of family law and relationship property law, including care and contact. I am a member of the New Zealand Law Society and the Family Law Section of the New Zealand Law Society.
Prior to qualifying as a Barrister I worked for over 15 years in one of Auckland’s oldest and most-trusted law firms and initially practised in general civil litigation, I have appeared in the District Court, High Court and Court of Appeal. My background gives me particular experience in relationship property law involving business, property and investments interests. For more information on my experience and the areas of law where I specialise please visit
The majority of my clients are medium to high net worth individuals. Typically clients are seeking to continue and strengthen their relationship with their partner while clarifying their relationship property entitlements, or separating couples who need to preserve their property entitlement and enter into parenting arrangements where necessary. I work with married couples, de facto couples and have worked with several clients in same-sex relationships.
When separating couples can have children, interests and a number of friends in common. To avoid uncomfortable post-separation encounters, I assist clients to reach an agreement with their former partner where possible (whether by way of facilitated mediation or otherwise). To this end, I am also trained in collaborative law.
Of course, an agreed outcome is not always possible and, where necessary, I will forcefully promote my client’s interests through the court process.
I represent clients in all areas of family law including
- Divorce and separation agreements
- Care of children
- Property division
- Relationship property agreements
- Spousal maintenance
- Claims against estates
- Collaborative Law
- Mediation