Wyndham Chambers was established in 2002 as Family Law Chambers. The members of Wyndham Chambers are all senior Family Law Specialists with extensive experience in general litigation, commercial and conveyancing work and estates and trusts.
Wyndham Chambers is conveniently located almost directly across the road from the Auckland Family Court. There is casual car parking available in close proximity and there are car park buildings close by including a parking building next to the chambers.
Although the barristers at Wyndham Chambers have experience in all areas of practice and family law the areas in which they have particular expertise include Relationship Property, Proceedings Under The Care Of Children Act, Care And Protection Proceedings Under Children Young Persons and Their Families Act, Mental Health Proceedings and proceedings under Protection of Personal Rights Act 1988 and Elder Law generally and estate litigation including proceedings under the Family Protection Act and Testamentary Promises Act. The Wyndham Chambers barristers also have extensive experience in trust law and its interface with family law and in particular relationship property law.
All the barristers in Wyndham Chambers are members of the New Zealand Law Society, the Auckland District Law Society, the Family Law Section of the New Zealand Law Society and the Australian Family Law Section. They have all had extensive involvement in legal education as presenters and paper writers and are contributors to legal publications from time to time.